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How to select a liner for your above ground pool


Liners come in a wide range of colors, designs and types. There are three types of liners.

Step1 1. Overlap liners have a lower price and are very common. Made of 20 gauge vinyl, the liners can accommodate a 48”, 52” or 54” pool wall. Once installed the excess liner can be easily trimmed before liner is attached to pool wall. A disadvantage to this liner is it can be more difficult to install.

Step2 2. Uni-bead liners (V-bead or J-hook) are easier to install and have a channel on the liner that will be seated on the pool wall. Most liners in this category are 25 gauge vinyls making them thicker and more resistant to damage. These are more expensive and do need to be ordered according to the depth of your pool wall and size of your pool. When you order with we help make sure the liner will fit your pool.

Step3 3. Beaded liners (Hang Bead) are the easiest of the three to install, but are the most expensive. The liner has a true bead on the end that will hook into a bead receiver that is on the wall of the pool and are 25 gauge in thickness. This liner needs to be ordered according to size and height of the pool. Eventually your liner will need to be replaced, this liner is the easiest to remove and replace.

Step4 4. Once you have selected your liner and the ground is prepared, the liner can be installed. A three inch layer of sand under the liner is preferred. If you are using a protective pad lay it at this time. Gorilla pad is one product that can add years of life to a pool and its liner. This special high density woven fabric acts as a barrier to, grass, rocks, nut grass, and other invasive weeds or rocks. This important liner accessory is impervious to almost any sharp object. Gorilla Padding is super tough, but also adds a layer of cushioning that will eliminate footprints from forming. Gorilla Pad is cut to size and seamed for your pool.

Step5 5. Lay out the bottom track to determine placement of upright supports. Standard patio blocks are placed under each upright supports. The patio block should be placed on compressed dirt that is level. Sand base is directly under where the liner of the pool will be. Assemble the track to support the outside walls following the manufacturer’s directions. Coving can be installed prior to next step. Why other customers have purchased coving is because it can protect the liner and simplify liner installation. Original Coving reduces corrosion. Unlike sand or dirt, cove cannot be washed out and will not hold moisture against metal components. "Original Cove" is made from high density foam, 2.3 lbs/ft3; it will not change shape or indent and makes pool cleaning easier. Wall foam is another accessory that can extend the life of your liner and pool. The Waveless Wall Foam will hold heat in your pool, while providing a smooth surface on the wall to protect the liner from damage due to punctures or trapped moisture.

Step6 6. Insert the vinyl liner inside the pool wall. Allow the liner to warm in the sunlight, this will provide the greatest amount of give. Smooth the liner. Attach to the sides of the pool. This step will depend on the type of liner you choose. Overlap liners once in place are trimmed to fit the pool. The u bead or beaded liners fit in place easily. Follow all manufactures direction

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